Hey Nek, first of all thank you for this, it's really useful.
I was wondering if you could guide me on using it to change a value between 0 and 1 multiple times. I tried but the number just will take time to get from 0 to 1 and viceversa but I can't make it to do what I want.
To explain, I want the number to start on 0 and end on 1 and then start on 1 and end on 0, but it should go: 0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1 and then 1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0 (using the easings of course), like mimicking an old light bulb.
Here's what I have:
I managed to do something close to what I want by not using the easings lol, but I want something more organic, this does more or less what I want:Thank you in advance.
I was wondering if you could guide me on using it to change a value between 0 and 1 multiple times. I tried but the number just will take time to get from 0 to 1 and viceversa but I can't make it to do what I want.
To explain, I want the number to start on 0 and end on 1 and then start on 1 and end on 0, but it should go: 0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1 and then 1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0 (using the easings of course), like mimicking an old light bulb.
Here's what I have:
[Turner]measure=PluginPlugin=ActionTimerActionList1=SetUp | Repeat TurnON, 24, 12 SetUp=[!SetVariable TurnerState 12]TurnON=[!SetVariable TurnerState "([#TurnerState]-1)"][!SetVariable ButtonState (round([&C:inElastic(([#TurnerState]/12),(1),(0))]))][!Update][!Redraw]ActionList2=SetUp2 | Repeat TurnOff, 24, 12 SetUp2=[!SetVariable TurnerState 0]TurnOff=[!SetVariable TurnerState "([#TurnerState]+1)"][!SetVariable ButtonState (round([&C:inElastic(([#TurnerState]/12),(1),(0))]))][!Update][!Redraw]UpdateDivider=-1
[Turner]measure=PluginPlugin=ActionTimerActionList1=SetUp | Repeat TurnON, 48, 11 SetUp=[!SetVariable TurnerState 1]TurnON=[!SetVariable ButtonState "(1-[#ButtonState])"][!Update][!Redraw]ActionList2=SetUp2 |Repeat TurnOff, 48, 11 SetUp2=[!SetVariable TurnerState 0]TurnOff=[!SetVariable ButtonState "(1-[#ButtonState])"][!Update][!Redraw]UpdateDivider=-1
Statistics: Posted by RicardoTM — Today, 7:33 am — Replies 1 — Views 7442