I've been using this a fair bit and it's been so easy and useful to use. Can't thank you enough for making and sharing this!
I do have a little request though. If you have the time and like the idea, could you add an option to auto paste the colour when using the eye dropper please. Just that when I used it to create 30 buttons of different colours, it became a bit tedious having to click the coloured box after using the dropper.
Not sure if this is a difficult thing to add but it would make it so much easier and quicker to use. Thanks again for such an amazing and useful little tool!
Hey sl, that's weird it should automatically apply the color to HSLiders as well as copy the color to the clipboard.
Clicking the swatch (the colored box) pastes the color that is in the clipboard, clicking the swatch with the mouse wheel will copy the current color to the clipboard as well.
Please check if when you modified the files you accidentally broke the communication between the eyedropper and HSLiders. Check if the log has any "Skin doesn't exist" error on the log. The parentConfig variable might be wrong on Eyedropper.ini it has to be the name of HSLidersSTA config. If you moved the config then it should be Utilities\HSLidersSTA (according to what you said posts earlier).
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